Stretch Mark Treatment

Revolutionize Your Skin with PicoWay® Laser Stretch Mark Treatments at Atrium Aesthetics, Chico, CA

At Atrium Aesthetics in Chico, CA, we understand that stretch marks are more than just lines on the skin; they are a map of your life experiences, including growth spurts, weight changes, and the miracle of childbirth. While they are a natural part of life's journey, many individuals seek ways to diminish their appearance for a boost in confidence and comfort in their own skin. We are proud to offer an innovative solution with the PicoWay® Laser, a cutting-edge technology designed to treat stretch marks effectively and restore the natural beauty of your skin.

How PicoWay® Transforms Your Skin

PicoWay® uses picosecond laser technology to deliver short bursts of energy into the skin. This process stimulates the body's natural healing response, encouraging the production of new collagen and elastin. The result is a smoother, more uniform skin texture and a significant reduction in the visibility of stretch marks. The treatment is effective on both old and new stretch marks, regardless of their color.

Your Treatment Journey

Embarking on your stretch mark treatment journey at Atrium Aesthetics begins with:

  • Personal Consultation: Our experts will assess your skin and discuss your goals to tailor a treatment plan just for you.

  • Customized Treatment Sessions: Depending on the severity and age of your stretch marks, we'll recommend a series of sessions to achieve the best results.

  • Aftercare Guidance: We provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth, quick recovery and lasting results.

PicoWay® Laser Stretch Mark Treatments for Women
PicoWay® Laser Stretch Mark Treatments for Men

Why Choose PicoWay® Laser for Stretch Mark Treatment?

The PicoWay® Laser system represents the pinnacle of laser technology for skin treatment, providing a safe, non-invasive solution for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Here are some reasons why PicoWay® stands out:

  • High Precision: Targets only the stretch mark tissue, leaving surrounding skin unharmed.

  • Quick Sessions: Treatments are fast, usually taking only a fraction of your day.

  • Minimal Discomfort: The procedure is associated with minimal pain, making it a comfortable experience.

  • Rapid Recovery: With no downtime required, you can return to your daily activities immediately after treatment.

  • Effective for All Skin Types: PicoWay® is suitable for various skin tones and types, ensuring everyone can benefit.

PicoWay® Laser for Stretch Mark Treatment

Benefits of Choosing PicoWay® Laser Treatment at Atrium Aesthetics

  • Visibly Reduced Stretch Marks: Witness a noticeable decrease in the appearance of stretch marks.

  • Improved Skin Texture: Enjoy smoother, more supple skin where stretch marks once were.

  • Enhanced Skin Appearance: Gain a more uniform skin tone and texture, boosting your confidence.

  • No Downtime: Resume your daily activities immediately following each session.

  • Safe for All Skin Types: Our treatment is inclusive, effective for a wide range of skin tones and types.


  • The number of treatments varies based on the stretch marks' severity and your skin's response to the laser. Most clients require between 3 to 6 sessions for optimal results.

  • Most clients report minimal discomfort during the procedure, describing it as a light snapping sensation against the skin. We strive to ensure your comfort throughout the treatment.

  • Sessions typically last between 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

  • Some clients notice improvements as soon as after the first session. However, the most significant results usually become visible after completing the recommended series of treatments.

  • Post-treatment care is minimal. We recommend keeping the treated area moisturized and protected from direct sunlight. We'll provide you with detailed aftercare instructions.

Begin Your Path to Confidence

At Atrium Aesthetics in Chico, CA, our dedicated team is committed to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. With the PicoWay® Laser, we offer a powerful solution for diminishing stretch marks and revitalizing your skin. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward embracing your skin with confidence and pride.

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